Offene Lernplattform: Log in
Is this your first time here?
Hi and welcome!
For full access to courses you'll need to take a minute to create a new account for yourself on this web site.
But first fill out the New Account form with your details (username can be a pseudonym).
An email will be immediately sent to your email address. It contains a weblink to confirm your account.
Each of the individual courses may also have a one-time "enrolment key" your teacher has given you.
If you are a member of the FernUniversität and have a regular FernUni-account, you can use it here as well.
If you've already registered a new account on this website but want to use your FernUni-account, please let us migrate it for you.
More information on this (in german): Informationen zur Account-Umstellung.